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Exercise: Helps Not Only Helps With A longer Life but also Better Sex Life


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The outcomes have all surprised some other scientists that have described it as a thorough and substantiated study that shall clearly show some of the physical activity that enhances erectile problems among men.


As per the professors at the Sexological Clinic in Copenhagen, below mentioned conclusions are supported by known mechanisms that might explain the link to erectile dysfunction or impotence in men:

  • Physical activity makes the blood vessels more elastic, which shall further help more amount of blood to flow to the penile region
  • Some of the physical activity mighty also stimulates the production of nitrogen oxide, which shall allow the blood vessels to expand. This is need just as the popular medicine, Fildena, does


With this in mind, the conclusions shall eventually lead to new treatments for impotence that is told by Pedersen, who is the head of TrygFondens Centre for Active Health at Rigshospitalet, Denmark.


Exercise Can Be a Great prescribed ED Treatment

It is known that physical activity shall lower the risk of impotence, but here one can clearly see that it must be a form of treatment. This shall further make sense as one might need to create better flow of blood through the blood vessels; while being treated with the cause of impotence in men. That this study might lead to treatment just like Fildena treats impotence.


So How Much Exercise Is Effective?

The question is how much exercise one might need to do before it might be effective. This was what the scientists asked themselves when they might have first began to review the published literature.


Right from the review, it is also recommend approx. 40 minutes workout, four times a week over a period of six months.


However, while further being doubtful for such a precise conclusion might be drawn without further research. The study also indicates that performing intense exercise might have direct effect on erectile dysfunction, but whether that means 30, 40, or 50 minutes of training approx. three to four times a week is something that must be studied further.